Sale condition
Em is an online store directory of stores and brands in several areas.
These conditions of sale aim to define the relationship between the seller and the buyer as well as the conditions applicable to any purchase made through this merchant site.
The Internet user visits a store and puts the desired items in the basket,
then he can and choose to buy the ones he wants by going to the merchant's checkout.
Payment for items is done at each store.
Allow for taxes and delivery charges if applicable
The buyer who wishes to purchase a product or service online from the store he is visiting must follow the online ordering process.
Identification, verification and validation of the chosen products and services.
Confirmation of the order entails acceptance of these conditions of sale.
All the data provided as well as the recorded confirmation will constitute proof of the transaction.
The seller will send a confirmation of the registered order by email.
Each store offers after-sales service.
Any questions or information regarding a purchase,
warranty, return, exchange, refund or other,
The Internet user must contact the site directly from which he or she purchased.
The seller reserves the right to modify its general conditions of sale at any time without notice:
the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the buyer.
The sites on the pages of are external links.
The web pages where these links lead in no way engage the responsibility of which has no control over these links.
Each site linked in the directory has its own policy and conditions of use.