
milk foam 

a beautiful foam when the milk proteins remain attached to the air bubbles, heated to around 60°C and whipped.

  • dense foam, ideal for a Latte (high fat milk)
  • light foam, perfect for Cappuccino (low fat milk)
  • even more beautiful foam (lactose-free range)

glass of water served with coffee 

caffeine-rich coffee, especially cappuccino, water ensures the body stays hydrated and cleanses the palate, resetting your taste buds for a better taste


Short and powerful in aromas, balance between body and bitterness, and its beautiful crema. Prepared quickly by pressing hot water through finely ground coffee.

  • 30 ml espresso


Like espresso, but half the water.

  • 15 ml espresso


Espresso, dense and tasty, with aromas and texture tempered with the addition of steam-heated milk.

  • 60 ml espresso
  • 30 ml of unfoamed milk 


Less intense than espresso, sweet and less bitter flavor, but more robust than traditional coffee. 

  • 90 ml espresso


Richer aroma, more sustained acidity, similar to lungo with the addition of hot water, resembling ground coffee. 

  • 90ml espresso
  • 60 ml hot water


Soft and frothy, made with double espresso and hot milk. 

  • 60 ml hot milk
  • 60 ml frothed with milk
  • 60 ml espresso

iced cappuccino

refreshing espresso drink with a rich and creamy taste in a large glass

  • add three ice cubes
  • fill half the glass with milk
  • 2 spoons of sugar, hazelnut or vanilla syrup... depending on taste
  • add the espresso on the ice
  • add the cold mousse with a spoon

smoothie coffee

refreshing drink, shake with a shaker, ice, coffee and syrup

  • 2 espressos or ground coffee
  • 2 spoons of syrup, vanilla or hazelnut
  • 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream. 
  • 4 or 5 ice cubes
  • milk optional


espresso coffee with a little milk foam.

  • 30 ml milk foam
  • 60 ml espresso


more hot milk than cappuccino, without foam

  • 60 ml espresso
  • 90 to 180ml hot milk

coffee with milk

Filter coffee with hot milk.

  • 150ml fresh filter coffee
  • 150 ml hot milk


irish coffee

Sweet and boozy with Irish whiskey, hot coffee with a layer of whipped cream.

  • 150ml filter coffee
  • 60 ml Irish whiskey 
  • 60 ml of cream 
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar

mocha Martini

  • Coffee in a martini glass mix in a shaker for the evening.
  • 1 oz American whiskey
  • 2/3 oz Irish cream
  • 1/3 oz chocolate liqueur
  • 30 ml cold espresso
  • coffee Ice 
  • Drain after shake in an ice strainer